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The Mentor Hunt and Spring Hill Tour

This week in Biomed we began to take a look into the different procedures that take place in our chosen field of study. Considering that healthcare ethicists don’t quite perform medical procedures, they still have a crucial role in the healthcare system. Ethicists serve on committees that create policy for the healthcare institution or consult directly on patient cases. Ethicists also have to communicate with patients and their families on the best course of action to take for their situation.

We also have begun the search for our mentors for the year. I have directed my interest in trying to get Dr. McElroy to agree to be my mentor. She is the ethics professor at the University of South Alabama. If that connection does not work in my favor, I have some connections that could prove to be useful in the continued search for a mentor. We have also started recording the contact information for the connections we have started developing in the search process.

We also took a field trip to Spring Hill College this week. We toured the campus and developed an understanding of campus life and what it would be like to be a student at Spring Hill. We had the opportunity to sit in on a pre-med lecture. I am quite fond of the lecture style that we observed in that class. The teacher was upbeat and interactive with the students. It was definitely a positive experience.

In the afternoon we were able to take a deeper dive into the medical program at Spring Hill. They showed us their manikins, which ranged from low to high fidelity. The low-fidelity manikins are just normal manikins that are good for learning general healthcare basics. The high-fidelity manikins on the other hand are a different story. These manikins could talk, blink, breathe, have a pulse, and so much more. One of the manikins could even give birth. You can see me holding her baby in one of the pictures.

This tour definitely shone a great light on Spring Hill in my opinion. Their medical facilities and everything from teacher-student interaction and med-school acceptance were incredibly impressive

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