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For the past several weeks we have been working on an outreach project relating to our chosen field of study. This project didn’t necessarily have to be the focus of your capstone presentation. The topic I chose to present on was the ethical considerations of integrating artificial intelligence into the healthcare field. I gave a presentation to two biomed fundamental classes. These classes consisted of sophomores and juniors. 

In my presentation I started with teaching about how AI could be useful in the healthcare field. This led to a discussion on big data because in order for AI to be beneficial it has to have access to large amounts of data. This data would consist of hospital medical records along with 3rd party vendor provided data from wearable devices such as smartwatches. With access to this data AI would be able to rapidly analyze it in order to make predictions on foreseeable diagnosis. It would also be able to give advice based on statistical data to suggest prescriptions and potential treatments. This then leads us to a discussion about the risks that come with AI having access to this data. 

To help the class understand what it might be like for our data to be accessible we did an activity. In this activity everyone was given a bad one with a number one. In this scenario this bad could give them their heart rate, blood pressure, blood oxygenation, sleep quality, fitness, etc. I then asked them to pass their bands to the left. The person sitting next to them represented a 3rd party vendor. Everyone knew who had their data and that was ok, for the most part. Then I collected everyone's bands and put them all in a basket. I then walked around, and everyone blindly picked a panda out of the basket. This was to represent a data breach. Nobody knew who had their data. They then figured out who had their data, and they were not quite as happy. 

This was all to facilitate though on a topic of debate that will likely come up in the near future. And when this happens hopefully, they will have already started developing their thoughts on the topic. 

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