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Mentor Communications and Time Management

This week in Innovations I started communication with Dr. McElroy. She is an ethics professor at The University of South Alabama. I found her contact information through South Alabama’s directory. We decided the best time to meet up and discuss this year was next Wednesday. So far she has been very friendly and accommodating and seems interested in being my mentor along with helping me get in contact with other people who practice in my field of interest.

This week we also discussed time management. We went a bit deeper than the standard, “don’t procrastinate” conversation. We discussed the importance of prioritization and how prioritizing certain things can lead to a more productive lifestyle. We also did an activity where we mapped out a standard day. This allowed us to visualize how our time was laid out. This activity really brought to light the amount of free time we could have if we properly utilized our time. Lastly, we discussed the importance of doing things that you enjoy. Using your free time for you can drastically increase productivity during times when you do have to get work done as well as increase your overall quality of life.

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