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Mass Casualty Drill

Every year the St. Luke’s Biomed program is able to help with the University of South Alabama’s EMS school mass casualty drill. We take part as actors of people injured by a traumatic event. 

This year the situation was an explosion in the concession stand at a football game. I was an individual close to the concession stand when the explosion occurred. This meant I had third-degree burns all over my arms and legs. I also had second-degree burns to my lower posterior torso.  We spent the entire morning running around getting everyone's makeup and moulage on. I mostly worked on scorching and burning people's clothing. We applied temporary tattoos for my burns, then touched them up with makeup. 

Even though I was a critical patient I was not transported as urgently as last year. I layed in the critical patient triage for at least 20 minutes. When I was finally transported to the medical tents the red and yellow patient tents had filled up, so I was taken to the green tent which soon became full with more red patients. I saw the life flight helicopter take off as well as two black hawk helicopters during the drill. This is always one of my favorite Biomed events and I will definitely miss it next year.

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