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Job Shadow #1

My first job shadow of the year, I believe, was a great one to start off on. I was able to sit in on one of Dr. McElroy’s bioethics classes. During this class there was open discussion, and everyone was able to give opinions on the situation. I feel this to be incredibly beneficial especially in an ethics discussion because we were able to see different opinions from different points of view. The question that was being discussed was, “Is there a right to healthcare, and if so, what does it encompass?” We began by reviewing different rights that we have such as the Maranda rights and what positive and claim rights are. We then review a piece of literature by Norman Daniels. His work argued that there is a right to healthcare, and we used his work as basis for discussion. One of the anecdotes that he used that I found interesting was, “A handicap parking space doesn’t seem beneficial to you until you are handicap.” This class was an awesome opportunity to see what a real college class looks like as well as insight on how ethical questions are discussed.

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