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Blind PB&J

This was a short week in Biomed that ended on Wednesday for me. However, we were still able to cover some new topics. We first did a diagnosis worksheet that had us take factors from a patient's medical records and vital signs to diagnose the issue. This turned about to be a little difficult because our patient had been through it. He had vision issues, tendonitis in his elbow, and an issue with his right shoulder. 

Along with this assignment we finished up our vision lesson with a lab. In this lab, we made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches blindfolded to simulate how a blind person has to function in day-to-day life. I didn't know the orientation of the kitchen very well beforehand, so I spent most of my time trying to find the drawers and cabinets. After I found all of my ingredients though I was off to the races. I am giving myself the award for the prettiest sandwich, and it was quite tasty as well. 

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